Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018


Below are some wonderful thoughts to remember as we work with young people via Tim Elmore.  If you aren't reading Tim's books or signed up for his email blogs you are missing out on one of the best resources available today as we teach and coach millennials. In fact, since being introduced to Tim's materials by Georgia head coach Joni Taylor this past summer, he has become the most important resource I've had this season -- an absolute must if you are a coach, a teacher or parent.

As you work with students to build a healthy lifestyle, remember these truths:

1. Human beings are, indeed, creatures of habit.

2. Habits become addictions as they enable us to cope with life.

3. We often trade one habit for another as we attempt to quit bad ones.

4. We must help youth strive to replace bad habits with good ones.

5. Teens often don’t end bad habits until they feel the consequences of them.

6. One secret to maturity is to live free from the bondage of an addiction.

7. Healthy leadership begins with self-leadership. I must lead “me” first.

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018


Here are a few of the Q & A's from Troy Daniels of the Phoenix Suns on the art of shooting.  You can read the entire article by Scott Bordow here.

Q: How many hours does it take to perfect the shooting form?
A: Wow. It’s tough to say. As a kid, you have a ton of energy. I was always trying to be around basketball. I have no clue, but if I had to say, at least five to six hours a day, just playing around, shooting.

Q: There are certain things good golfers have to do with their swings. Are their certain things good shooters have to do with their stroke?
A: I’m a firm believer that I don’t really think it matters what shot you shoot. If you shoot your shot, if you work on it every single day, literally get up 1,000 to 1,500 shots a day, you’ll master that shot. I really think that, honestly. I don’t think there’s a certain way to make a lot of shots. (Stephen) Curry shoots a different shot, Klay (Thompson) shoots a different shot, J.J. Reddick, they all shoot different shots and come from different places. Their stance and their balance, everything is different. So I think if you just master what you do, I think the sky is the limit.

Q: Do you study other shooters?

A: I don’t study shooting but I do study how shooters play. I’ve watched a lot of film on J.J. Reddick, how he moves without the ball. I watched a lot of film on Kyle Korver. Everybody watches Steph, but you can’t be like Steph because he’s different. I think as a shooter, 75 to 80 percent of it is confidence. It’s all mind, all mind.

Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018


As Coach Saban's coaching tree continues to grow, there was an article at that delved into what if any advice Coach Saban gives to his assistants as they gain head coaching positions. Here are a few excerpts of the article form Andrew Ashtleford:
Nick Saban says the same thing to his former assistants when they move on. He said he told Kirby Smart upon taking the job at Georgia, "Be your own man. Be yourself. Do it the way you think it ought to be done. Don't try to be somebody else."
That’s quality advice from Saban. It would be tempting for any of the coach’s former assistants to try to pattern their coaching styles after Alabama’s successful leader.
However, the greatest success comes when someone is able to place their own fingerprints on a program in a unique way. Clearly, Smart has done that this season in leading Georgia to an SEC title and an appearance in the National Championship Game.

Which Celtics should be in the running for NBA Awards? (podcast)

The  Boston Celtics  have completed the 2017-18 season with a 55-27 record, good for second place in the Eastern Conference. They wil...