Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 6, 2016


For those that are developing a championship culture,  you must note that everything is important in framing your program.  I've yet to see a great culture that didn't understand that importance of the mental part of improving as much as the physical part.

As Bob Knight would say, "The mental is to the physical as four is to one."

Team meetings are incredible important.  In the near future, we will blog at the components of successful team meetings and how you can structure them to support your culture.  Including such things as the utilization of notebooks.  

A few weeks ago I had the honor of hearing Coach Mike Dunlap speak and he made the following comment: "Using notebooks is paramount to learning."

I have spent parts of today rereading some of my journals and found this passage from Bo Schembechler which speaks to why they had a culture of greatness:

"If you plan to succeed as a Michigan football player, you need to understand our meetings are just as important as our practice."

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