Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 6, 2016


Again, a big thanks to Coach Jessie Ivy for forwarding me some clinic notes taken at the Impact and Legacy Summit.  One of the sets in of notes include these from speaker/author Jon Gordon.

Leaders transform lives

Culture is not just one thing, culture is EVERYTHING.

• Most people focus on what’s urgent, instead of what matters.

• Once you know what you stand for, every decision is easy. The coach doesn’t just create the culture; your student-athletes create your culture.

• The coach and team has to fight for your culture EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
My vision/dream: Inspire and Empower as many people as possible, one person at a time.

GRIT = #1 predictor of success.
What drives grit? A vision of where we are going.

PURPOSE. You want your Purpose > Challenges.

• I learned to talk to myself instead of listen to myself. You can feel blessed or stressed. Research has shown that you cannot be thankful and stressed at the same time.

I take a “Walk of Gratitude, “everyday.

Failure is not meant to define you but to refine you.

Faith/Fear- both believe in a future that hasn’t happened yet. Which will you

Leadership is a transfer of beliefs.

2 secrets of Clemson Football:
1. Dabo believes in his team/coaches more than they believe in themselves.
2. SAFE SEAT: sharing, questions asked.

4 C’s of Leadership:
1. Communication: builds trust, fosters commitment
2. Connection: deeper level of communication, of relationships (THE GLUE)
3. Commitment: leader must be most committed. Demonstrate the
4. Care: great leaders care more. Every leader has a unique care trademark.

If there is a void in communication, negativity will fill it.
• Relationships have to be first.

Share the 3 H’s: A hero, a hardship faced, and a highlight.

• 2 destructive things to communication

Team beats talent when talent isn’t a team.

Meraki (Greek Word): the soul, creativity, or love put into something, the essence of yourself that is put into your work. Leave a piece of yourself in your work.

Success breeds fear sometimes because now you have something to lose.

Doc Rivers: "I communicate to my team collectively and 1-on-1."

You can always communicate more.

4 stages of PURPOSE
1. Preparation- prepare to be great
2. Planting- plant yourself where you are- serve great.
3. Growth- where most people give up
4. Harvest- won’t get here if you don’t deal with your constraints

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